Saturday, August 22, 2009

sunset at kmpp


UPM... da nk dkt sebulan ak msuk UPM.. Pelik... Depa dok habaq 'enjoy your student life', 'culture shock' n wat soo ever, actually, x rse poowwn... nape??? coz i think in there we r threaten like a child.. hm... n da senior, always keep watching us especially da supers(4 years stdnt)...huhu...cannot talk much bout dem.. nnt bocoq abeh ceq kna point lg... takowwtt gak.. Orientation in UPM=1 month?? memg pown.. tah mende tah... 1 wk U orientation, den Kolej orientation, followd by blok orientation, lastly ce teke...hmm..aras orientation...! tp ars x d pggl orientasi aras, pgl family day, ars tu bgabong ngn aras ni then jdk la 1 family... Well, for more than 1 month 1 were there, I was succesfully develop my feeling to someone!! hahaha...but not too serious ok...actually he is not in my list type actually...he is dark but sweet face.. huhu...i wonder boleh plok ak trsuke kat die...sape 2?? ade laarrr... tgi, kurus n sweet face...but barely smile to others except for his friend..hmm... die ad la cket ciri2 y ak ske tp cme agk glap, mende la ak ni kn???hehe...ptot la i xde bf lg..upss!! ak klu ske kt ssorg ak susa nk tnjuk, sometimes they will think dat i hate him so he will stay away from me...huhu. tp 2 dulu la, skg da kurang..kot2 la..hehe... Now, BIOTECHNOLOGY is my priority!!!    
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