abeh 1 mlm balon korean drama. well, bkan cite baru pon juz cite GOONG princess hours je..hehe.. bngon lak..ha..pham2 la ye.. klu da 1 mlm x tido tu..hehehe..
At first, cite tu sgat2 lawak..sonok tgk ChaeGyong, tp as the story go on, makin jdk kurang menarik..mebi sebab konflik istana trlalu byk kot..skandal la..konspirasi la..hmm..boring giler nak tgk..but i tgk gak..cuzzz nk tau ape jdik ngn chaegyong n shin gon. Well, overall ok je.. but a bit sedeh laaaaa.. cuzz of salah paham, tros jdik twisted then akhirnye become kesedihan y trlampau...then myesal.
pe tah..xcomei lgsg! cian kt yul.
die ssgt2 nice man but had to suffer.
owh.. i think dis overal story is about fate. no matter how we want but if fate has state dat, no one can change..
well, dat is called qada dan qadar..huhu.. mm... yul yg sepatotny kawin ngn chaegyong xdapt trime knyataan bile chaaegyong jadik sister-in-law die. mle2 ok but his feeling grow stronger for her until he willing to do anything to get her. hmm.. i think dis story gives many moral value to people who watch it.
why i said dat??
firstly, we must avoid misunderstanding. why??to avoid brlakunye peristiwe yg sgt2 sedih cam pe y blaku ngn chaegyong n shin gon.
2nd, jgn EGO sgt!!! especially LELAKI! grr...... gram tol ngn ego llki ni. cam la ebat sgt ego depe tu.. nk gtau feeling sndri pon susah. girl da la susah nk understand man, ni ego la plak, las2....deep hurt occur..stupid isn't it???
3rd, honest!!! xyah la nk selindong2 walaupon pe y kite rse tu btol. if they ask, juz tell them. end of story...kn???
4th, if u love someone, give the one u love happiness, dont force him/her to love u.. it doesnt work! juz wasting yor taim.
5th, dont against FATE.
6th, famili 1st.
7th, jgn sombong...
n blablabla......................................hehe... byk sgt moral die...pnat nk tulis...hehe....
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