still not sleep..hehe
i just read a nice blog bout korean artist, well, many that i found were very interesting..hehe...
mm....1stly, about a group that i like, T-ARA, HYOMIN, seems she had done plastic surgery throughout her face, till its become very different from what she seems now... very immpressive n dissappointed... well, actually,before this she was not soo pretty as today, maybe she had invested so many cash to get what she had now rite?? well, its ok...
now, move to KIM HYUN JOONG.
he now already couple with someone which is also an actress like him. his GF not soo pretty as hwangboo, mm... ok larr...hehe.
i dont mind die da de GF coz, he still human rite?? haha...
msti kecewa peminat2 die klu tau KHJ da de GF...kih3x...
then move on to KOREAN DRAMA.
after this i want to watch coffee house drama n soul drama..
coz both drama have T-ARA members as a cast..hehe... love their voice..
i just watch some part of Coffee House, not bad laa, ade lawak ny. citer SOUL lak pasal hantu, drasuk...bezz...coz ji-yeon blakon, jadik hantu, so beautiful she is...mm...
nk jeles pon xleh koz dorang tu asal mg xcantek tp dsebabkan plastik surgery, muke hodoh pon leh jadik lawa..hhu...
some day, i will go there by myself, tgk sendiri negara korea ngn mata kepala sendiri..hehe...