Sunday, July 15, 2012

JobLesS MindLesS

its been almost 2 weeks since i finished my study
stay at home
become a house maid
watch drama
that's it...without fail...
heaven giler...
heaven ke?
bosan nak mampos ade la....huhuhu...
i wonder... bile da start keje mesti ak xsaba nak cuti
becoz penat...
kt uma pon penat
kat pat keje pon semestinya penat...
ape keje yg xpenat?
i believe job that gives u satisfaction
that makes u will not bored n tired

at home, i just watch korean drama
cannot finish all the drama
becoz now i'm bored enough...
sok nak merayap ke subang parade
lepakkkkkkk sampai lebammmmmm
malam baru ak balek...
bosan laaa... dok umah kene masak
cci kain..
sapu umah...
i'm not a house wife...
tula, kalu bpak ak tu kawen cepat2 kan senang
xyah laa ak wat sume keje2 umah nieh...wahahaa...

ok...since i'm jobless
wondering when can i get job interview,
i dreamt a veery weird dreamt last night
it's about me... living in dormitory
the place was looks like my previous KMPP
but the weirdest thing was the toilet
since i cannot live without toilet
cuz my pee bladder has a loose screw
so i need to go to toilet frequently
yepp...thats my personal prob..huhuu...
in my dreamt, the toilet was very ugly
its not a decent toilet
its like toilet in a jungle
made up of straw
overall...its very ugly and dark
i want to use the toilet.. i follow my friends but, i loss them..
they went together into the toilet... the toilet building was 3 storey unfortunately
so i need to climb the stairs up to the third floor toilet
y? cuz i'm scared people will try to peep me..hahaa...
the building was made up of woods so i need to carefully walk so that i will not step onto rotten floor..
i felt a bit mad coz my friends left me walk alone...
"where are they?" i wonder... then i try to look into the toilet... they were not there..
weird... i heard that they said they want to go to the 3rd floor... but...they were not there...
so i decided to back up and went down... a bit angry... "they left me" i thought...
then, after a while, i saw they came out from the toilet building... "where have u been? i couldn't find u guys!" i said. then they said "we're on the 3rd floor. inside the toilet. we wait for u but u r not coming." weird... i definitely peeked inside the toilet, n no one there.. only an ugly looking toilet which hinder my mood to pee in there..huhuuuhuuuuu.... So conclusion nye, wake up n pee in your real toilet which is more nicer n more cleaner n more beautifulier than in my dream...hahahaaaa 


Monday, July 9, 2012

LiFe AfteR GraDuatioN

ak ni da tersalah amek kos ke?
patotnye ak mek kos dokter 
xpon arkitek ke...
senang ket nak pat keje...
xbaek tau mengeluh2x ni
da d takdirkan kite akan melalui perjalanan tu,
kite patutnye redho dan bersyukur sebab masih mampu untuk mengharungi 
liku2 hidup ni...
ingat balik, ape tujuan kite hidup kat dunia ni?
untuk menjadi KHALIFAH ALLAH
untuk memakmurkan BUMI ALLAH
untuk mencari KEREDHAAN ALLAH
ingat tu ye anak2...

ak after grad from BS BIOTECHNOLOGY course
xtau nak carik keje ape
erti kata lainnye, 
industri d Malaysia masih lagi xberkembang for this course
a little path for a biotechnologist to survive in malaysia
end up...working as salesmen @ saleswoman...erghhhh.....
atau pon as customer service...
ak after grad ni teringin nak pusing dunia
so ape job yg bole allow me to travel around the world???

tapi alahai...
kene pakai skirt pendek
ak yg bertudung nak kene pakai skrit pendek?
so, conclusion, lupakan saje lah...
next job yg allow me to travel around the world???
TRAVEL AGENCY (maybe lorh..hehe)

ak nak try usha travel agency kat Subang Parade..hihi
tapi tu angan2 n perasan jee... 
ak bukan berani nak approach people,
die hard ak nih...wahaha...

ok... next job
ak nak try xreti... account pon xreti...
audit cam ina la bole?huhuu
cane ek....
Ya Allah...
Help me to choose my destiny...amin...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

SeLaMat TingGaL

Selamat Tinggal...

sedehnye nak tinggalkan UPM
oh god...
its hard for me to leave here
leave my beautiful room 217
balik semula ke rumah not sweet home
ya allah...
kuatkan ak...amin...

lepas ni masa depan ak masih lagi dalam kabus
apa patut ak buat lepas grad nih?
cam xpecaya
nak relax2, xmungkin kot.
xnak laaa...
nak keje...
nak sibukkan diri...
nak beli kereta...
nak pindah luar...huhuuuu...
nak bergembira
nak melancong
nak expose myself to outsider
kot la bole pat bopren HOTZZZ!

at time like this, tringin nak balik kampung jumpa nenek, lepak kt kampong,
just me... drive alone... tolong nenek masak... rindu la kat nenek...
nenek je yg ak rase faham ak, makes me feels home. then, nak jumpa opah jugak, nak jumpa maksu perak..hehe... pepon ak bole ngam ngn maksu perak even xramai yg suke die. mebi sebab ak pon jenis yg bukan d sukai orang kot..heheheee.... pedulik laaa..:P

Monday, June 18, 2012


My Coursemate
~gonna miss u all after this~

Ondaway nak p jogging kt bukit expo

~Makan Pizza~

Seminar day
Presentation final year project

Ni la hasil extract from microalgae

Me n Lovely Uda
Shopping barang dapur after 2 paper..hehe


tu subjek yg ak akan amek sok pagii untuk paper last semester nih...
i'm graduating from University
later on, i'l become a career woman...
wahh...its my dream to become a career woman
successful woman...
further study?
mm... maybe not...
i have many plans to do...
instead of continuing my study,
i want to travel around the world
taste every bits of knowledge in different ways than in labs
no more labs
enough with it..hihiii...
i'm scared actually...
the future is beyond me... hope i can successfully enter the world of job..

Friday, June 15, 2012


last night i dreamt i went to korea. i even remembered that i boarded on airplane before reached korea. OMG... kan best if i can go there! smpai kt sane, i met my friend, orgnya cantik but i not really know her. she's a doctor in korea. then, she took me around seoul. the place actually cam kuantan jewww..hehe.... ingat x kat kuantan ade satu tmpat shoping murah, MYDIN. ak xnampak la mydin signboard. but nmpak bangunan area sane, plus kat atas bangunan tu ade burung2 merpati ke ape tah terbang, n kat atas jalan tu ofkos laa penuh ngan taik beliau. ak cakap kt kwn ak tu, "Wah, tempat nih ak tau!" sbb cam kt kuantan... bajet! hehehe....

then, xlame pas tu ak terserempak ngan Manja, my jiran kt K2 n merangkap my coursmate. die pon dok korea. die cakap die da masuk group GIRLS GENERATION. member baru...OMG! hebat giler... yela, die mang pandai menari, so mg seswai laa... ak dok tanye byk soklan sal member2 len. byk gak yg die jawab. pas berbual, kami berpecah.

Kawn ak yg sorang lagi tuh kt hospital die. ak g la jengok. SV die cam orang indon based on his dialek ckp bahasa melayu..huhu... rmai gak org melayu kt korea nih...hahaaa....

Ak pon tgk la surrounding pat tu... kot2 laaa ade keje kosong, bole ak join. ak mang nak berhijrah ke sane pon...hihi...
then, kawan ak pon hantar ak ke airport. its time for me to go back. tp pelik. ticket ak tulis saturday/sunday. masa 1.00pm. mase tuh ari jumaat n 12.00pm. so, ak pon pegi la tanye kat kaunter. org kt kaunter tu mg xramah. but they r KOREANS! ak pon speaking la ENGLISH. but unfortunately they r rude! saket ati jee... ak pon g la semula ke tmpat kwn ak tggu nih.

Unfortunately, my freind xde kt situ. die kene balik hospital, rest time die da abeh n SV die da kol. tp d gantikan ngn seseorang n he's asleep right now. guess who???


OMG3x! ak pon gerak la die. i told him i need to stay for another 1 or 2 days. die ckp die doktor kt hospital kwn ak. die pon da lambat nk msok keje. ak ckp, "xpelaaa...awk g la keje. dont worry. just give me my friend's address, i'll find it myself". die hesitate at first sbb die nak teman ak, after talk2 with him, die pon g la ke hopsital tu. xgune kereta, die berlari dengan pantas n lajunya becoz die adalah vampire..hehe... heppi giler ak pat jumpe edward! wahahaaaaa.....

Then, ak pon g la bwk luggage ak ke rumah kwn ak tuh. she's not there ofcoz.. then, rupa2nya adik ak, Isa n Mak ak pon ade kt korea. dorang ikot rombongan sekolah. laaaa.......hahahaha......

Dorang pon da nak balik da. kt airport. tapi, as like me, the ticket is not for that day. so rombongan tu pon pegi la makan. ak pon, join la sekali. nak balik mesia pon skali la ngn dorang. then, i woke up from my loooong dream..huhuuu...

Saturday, May 12, 2012


penat dengan keadaan sekarang
penat dengan hdup
penat dengan persekitaran
kalu bole ak nak pegi jaoh dari sini
jauh dari selangor
jauh dari perak
alaaa...bese lar..hahaaa...
ak bayangkan ak kat tembok besa cine, jalan sepanjang tembook tu,
sambil tangkap gamba
hirup udara segar...
ak kat Jeju island
jalan-jalan nek basikal
pusing sekitar pulau
of course tangkap gamba..hehe...
After that,
ak ke Japan
what city i dont know
ak jalan bawah pokok sakura
menikmati pemandangan damai
slow walk, sambil menghirup instant tea
my wish...
hati ak penat, otak ak pon penat
I wish to live alone
xbole... family first
kalau betul ak memang da x d perlukan,
ak akan pergi...huhuuuu
bukan membawa diri, cume untuk menimba ilmu dan mencari erti hidup

Adab dengan org yg lebih tua dari kite,
semestinya kene jage kan?
kalu x mesti akan d label anak kurang ajar
ak xmau d label camtu
I'd tried my best to serve my unfavourable aunt.
at least one of my father's children know how to treat well the elders
agak terkilan bile teguran untuk anak-anak abah yg lain x d terima dengan baik
salah sape sebenarnya?
xbole ke fikir cam orang dewasa?
ni umor pon da tahap mak orang,
begayot ngan pakwe kemain lagi mengilai cam hantu pontianak
kalah hantu2 d malaysia nih, especially hantu pocong kat TV tuh
xhengat dunia
bile d tegur, langsung xnak terima?
baguskah begitu?
Just do whatever U want

Impian ak sekarang:

  1. Nak tengok B kawin baru, bahagia, n lupakan sengsara dulu
  2. Nak tengok C kawin baru, xyah keje teruk2 dah n only depends on that person
  3. Nak tengok nina n isa membesar jadik orang yang berjaya, masuk asrama, success in life
  4. Nak tengok Ema jdk arkitek yg berjaya satu ari nanti
tu je. that's it. so that ak xperlu nak riso pasal dorang dah. ak bole fokus kat diri ak je. tapi maybe at that time, difficult for me to focus for myself as my age goes old..huuuuuu....nak enjoy? mungkin sudah terlambat. tapi nak wat canne? itu je yg ak mampu nak lakukan...At that time, when they all have success, ak da x d perlukan lagi. At that time also, ak berharap kerjaya ak da stabil. ak bole pergi melancong satu dunia. Yepp... ak nie memang xbole d maafkan... jangan maafkan ak... ak salah satu penyebabnye...huuhuuhuuu.... tapi, memang ak yg mengharapkan benda tu berlaku. da xsanggup nak tengok kesengsaraan yg d alami mereka plus ak pikirkan dari segi ISLAM juga.. sorrie...hahaa..(gelak jahat)

Rasenye ak paham sebab ape anak sulung salu kawin lambat. Cam mak long ak. die kawin waktu umor nak 30. Sebabnye? sebab tula, rase terbeban dengan tanggungjawab. Cam ape yg ak rase. maybe laarr..huhuu... no offends...:D

Ape yg ak xnak jadik kat ak adalah, apa yg dah jadik lam kehidupan ak. I am a person full of misery. People didn't know. I never speak up about this. Because of them, my life is in brown. Luckily i have Allah to guide me through darkness. I just want to have a happy life. forget about the past, continue to live for the future. xbest laa... ak asek pikirkan masalah ni, sampaikan ak xmampu nak berdepan dengan mereka. rasanya, dah 2x ak terlepas peluang..haha... The first one, i dreamt about him, just past by me, as if i am an invisible person. Then, at that time, i know it. Its the end. Then, it is the end in reality. For the second one, i also dreamt about him. He just stared from afar, wore white suit, with sea blue shirt. The color was beautiful. N i know, this also was the end for me.. heheee.... Yepp... It's D END. i dont mind. i'm too scared to grab. Besides that, i want to avoid as much as i can. Not ready. Rase RIMAS~

Sunday, May 6, 2012


i would like to introduce my BOYFRIEND or FUTURE BOYFRIEND or LOOK ALiKE BOYFRIEND
actually, they are hero or second hero from my favourite korean drama....hehe..:D
let me introduce, the first one is:

~Dennis Oh~
Drama: Sweet spy
Eventhough i still did not watch it, i think it will be interesting bcoz of him my observation, 
his acting is stiff...
but its long as he is handsome...wahahaaaa

~Jung Gyu Won~
2nd hero in Salaryman.
he is Hotsss...y? 
becoz he looks hot n cute in this drama
his love to Woo Hee is sooo sweet
(ak ni cam pervert jer..erk...!)
xdelaa....lam citer nih die jadik jahat siket
n oso innocent.. 
hobi: suke g GYM
awek die lam salaryman ni cantik...
suke couple nih

[Hero citer ni si tua n pmpuan rambut merah tuu..hehe]

~Park Si Hoo~
Prosecuter Princess
In this drama, he is an attorney
a kind, sweet n loving attorney that helps the heroin no matter what happen to her
he has a dark secret
at first, he wants to destroy this girl  because of her dad
but later, he fell in love with her
`love is unconditionable'
sweet drama...
the heroin oso perfect
the gedixness nye menjadik..hehe...
tgk citer nih, ak terbayang kawan ak yg sorang tuh..
muke pon nak dekat same
perangai pon lebih kurang...

~Jung ill Woo~
Flower Boy Ramyun SHop
Die sangaaaaat chooomel!
his cuteness beyond anything 
tp mang kiut pon...
how come laaa a man can b cute like him
plastik he hape??
in this drama, he is a spoil brat daddy boy
fall in love with the heroin
but denied it...
he think it is a heart disease...haha...
lawak tol...

~Kang Ji Hwan~
Lie to Me
citer nih pon da BEST DRAMA I EVER WATCH
story line die best..hehe...
but certain my friend xbape suke citer nih...
donno y..
this story is about the heroin who feels defeated coz still did not get married
jeles to her best friend who stole her sunbae
so she decided to tell a lie
then, the lie goes bigger n bigger
then the lie become reality
the hero did fall for her..
so sweet..really...

~YooN Shi YooN~
Me too Flower
baru je abeh tgk
what can i say?
the hero is an undercover bos
who works at parking valet
n fall for a fierce policewoman opposite his working building
yg lawak nye citer nih adik tiri heroin n doktor psikiatri
memang lawak
heroin ni kene attend counselling session due to her fierceness 
people complaint coz she is too GARANG
die garang pon bersebab
sebabnye adalah masalah keluarga, feeling down n so on..
sian, cam ape yg ak rase..huuhuu...
then, the hero come n always makes her angry
at last, they become couple
tapi, ade je yg menghalang...yg mane ak pon xpaham
setakat bos perempuan yg xde pape kuase pon bole jadik penghalang
entah...nak wat citer menarik la kot..
yg mana to me, xde kaitan lgsg la...hahaaa
but, overall, love them both!

[Nampak x sape tuh?? GikWang from BEAST!

Lastly My fev Drama EVER!

~Kim Soo Hyun~
Moon That EMbrace The Sun
he is the sun
he is the king
that loves his first love 
this drama is very3x touching
know what,
I CRY...wuuuuu......
seriously, very touching
episod2 awal g da sedeh...
part mase crown princess nak mati tu,
memang hati rase cam d carik-carik d koyak-koyak
sedih yg amat...wuuu.....
then, part Crown prince jerit name awek die,
in saddness....mengalir lagi air mata ak...
sedeh nak mati...
bile die da jadik king, 
crown princess yg ilang ingatan masuk istana
n jadik bomoh raja tuh..
actually the crown princess tak mati pon
cume d matikan sekejap je,
so that Maharani jahat prcaya yg crown princess da mati
that king still cannot forget his crown princess
sampai lah the truth revealed
n they live happily ever after...

nak tambah lg satu, citer 
Will it snow in Crismast
Soo Hyun pon blakon. watak mase hero kecik... 
bess tgk... 
watak die da besa, pon hensem..hehe

So, conclusion nye disini, 
cite korea sume mempunyai jalan cerita yang sama
tak kisah la cite zaman sekarang ke, zaman dulu ke
point yang mesti ada ialah:

1. First and Forever LOVE.
-walaupon bertahun-tahun, their love still will not fade. what they called, true love. they will fight until the end for their love. 
-alah, just in drama je kan...haha....

2. Ego lelaki.
-dalam citer korea, ego lelaki ni nomo satu. dorang kalu boleh xnak mengaku perasaan dorang.
so, mule laa nak harrass perempuan yg buat dorang xtenteram hidop. especially lelaki yg xpenah fall in love before this. tapi, bile da sure, kemain romantik lagi haaa.....sanggop sacrifice his life just for the girl ok!

3. Dumb girl.
-yg nih pon sentiasa ada. betol ke perempuan korea cam dungu2 selenge cket? sebab dorang nih ak tgk lam citer korea msti cam bongok. pastu, innocent, pure. eh..yeke pure?? haha...tah laa... mostly in all drama heroin die sume camtuh. dats y laa hero bole tertarik. ek?

4. Lelaki / Perempuan yg xpaham bahase
-yela, kalu hero da xnak, nape nak jugak rampas lelaki tuh? terima jela dngn redho. dah org da xnak. ni nakkk jugak dok menempek kat hero. pastu, jeles kemain berapi-api sampai nak pisahkan hero n heroin..ugh... peliz laaa...xde jantanzz laen kee dah kt dunia nih??hihiiii....same goes to the man.

5. Hero Kaya Giler! memang wajib. hero nye MESTI kaye giler, umah besaaa, keje jadik pengarah syarikat. pastu, tersuke kat perempuan miskin.. alahai...... cliche laa... sume nak wat citer camtuh... citer yg llki miskin ney pon siket je.. xpon hero nye hdp miskin, tup2, upe-upenye anak chaebol! haa...amek ko! jutawan sekelip cter cmni la best nk tgk kan...haaahaaaa

6. Sacrifice
-ni pon ak xpaham. Sacrifice. sikit2 nak sacrifice. sacrifice3x... ohh...ok... meaning of love is sacrifice kan... sanggup nak tggalkan company sbb nk bersama ngn awek or kekasih hati. sggp sacrifice name in order to protect the lover from harm... memang laaa sacrifice ni bgos, tp tolongla jangan meng'over-over kan sacrifice tu (lam citer korea la). cntohnya lam citer The Greatest Love, heronye sacrifice kan name die just to protect his awek... cam xlogik...mane ade lam dunia nih org wat sacrifice camtuh... entah la...just in my offends..hihiii

7. Hero COLD
-tiap2 drama mesti hero nye very cold n mean at first. cam robot. stiff. garang. xmesra. every drama ok. hahaha.... Full of himself. but then, bile da lame2, baru laaa warm siket watak dorang tuh...heheee....

8. MaKan Makan dan MaKan
-hehe....sentiasa makan... wah.... org korea nih suke makan ek... side dish, mixed rice, sangyupsal, kimchi, ramyun, n so on... makan adalah benda penting bagi mereka. they have variety of food available. Nice... tringin plak nak makan makanan dorang..hehe...


Saturday, May 5, 2012


lately i'm quite bz..huhu...
n lately ak rase rimas
rimas ngan kaum adams..hehe...
bukan rimas tahap kritikal
maybe sebab ak ni xde perasaan nak berchenta
sebab tu laa ak rase rimas

im not into LOVE
there's many adams that want my attention
but sorry,
i cant give u'ollz my heart
mungkin belum masanya
pintu hati ak belum terbuka untuk sesiapa lagi
my heart waiting for someone special
who's that special one?
i donnow..huhuuu

semakin umur meningkat,
semakin banyak la orang pos kat fb pasal marriage
ak xpaham..
there goes me... xpaham lagi...hihi..
kawan2 ak masing2 xsaba nak get married early
i cant understand
i dont understand
bagus ke kahwin awal?
kadang2 sampai ak pon rase cam ye kot...
trend sekarang maybe
bes la kot kawin awal nie...hehe...
entah laa...yekot.. sunnah nabi...:)
elakkan maksiat..

sometimes I'm scared
what if...
what'm still young... there's plenty of time for me to think about it... right?
xyah risau... jodoh pertemuan d tangan tuhan...
kalau ak ditakdirkan jatuh cinta dengan seseorang, but, kawin ngan orang yg bukan pilihan hati ak,
ade hikmah nye la tu, Allah maha mengetahui segala yang tersembunyi...

ak sekarang officially dah masuk 22 TAHUN!
ak da nak tua???
yepp...cepatnya masa berjalan...
dah 22 tahun ak hidup di dunia nih
dah 22 tahun ak bernafs d bumi allah yg luas ni
dah 22 tahun ak menjadi anak mak abah
tapi...persoalannya sekarang?
apa yg ak dah berjaya achieved in my life???
when i thinking bout
yes..only half of it...
my dream to enter U da pon berjaya ak capai
ak pon da nak grad tahun nih...
impian ak nak jadik wanita berkerjaya
masih belum boleh d capai lagi da future i will grab it...
tapi...masalah la jugak...
ak nak keje ape??
yepp..thats my course study...
da problem is the industry still not ready
so, ak nak jadik ape?
ak nak wat ape?
patutnye ak amek kos accounting ke, arkitek ke, pramugari ke...
atleast tempat kerja da tersedia ade
ni, as a researcher sahaja...omakk......
my skills and knowledge still cannot catch up with that advance knowledge
ape nasib badan..haha

nak sambung master?
x kot...
niat hati memang ade
tapi, memandangkan ak da banyak sangat menyusahkan bapak ak,
baik ak keje dulu
i dont want to be a burden to my dad..
he already suffered enough...

~mencari peluang pekerjaan~

Friday, April 20, 2012


is meant for someone we CARE
it doesn't matter who they are
love can be expressed to EVERYONE
not only to your LOVER,
but also to your PARENT, SIBLINGS, FRIENDS or FOES
everyone can receive and accept LOVE

the problem right now is
the thing is
i cant understand love between a MAN and a WOMAN
i thouugh love can be replace
can it???
i dont understand
i feels like
i'm separating them
i've done something i should not have done
i separate my PARENT!
isn't it?
i let my dad hurts
by letting my mom go
isn't it?
cant he just accept the fate?
cant he just look in front and live happily ever after?
i dont understand
is that love for my mom?
then y does my mom go away?
can someone tell me WHY??? me the them the way...

Friday, April 13, 2012

PiZzA Trip.....DeLiCiouS!

This is Our Pizza Trip
Last time tgk blog Hanis Zulaikha
sedaaaaaap sgt
so, teliuq nak makan...
plan asal nak makan piza ngan she-rain
but, d sebabkan time constrain,
needs to be cancelled...
esoknya, g ngan Nina 
my beloved adik..:D

Get ready...cheese!

G nek KTM. OTW nak g Subang.. dekat jer.. 3 stesen..wuhhu..

Me too... smile!

Sup Cendawan..rase cam sup ayam...sodaapp!

Yeay! at last, termakbul jgk makan pizza CHICKEN FLOSS..yumm!

Tambahan...cedapppp..lotzzzz of mayooo..



See that...its not only in iklan jee..:D

Rase nak makan Pizza Hut Chicken Floss lagiiiii

Saturday, March 3, 2012

alaaah...pape jerrr.....

pape jer
nak tulis ape?
ape-ape jela kan?
tulis je pape
bukan ade orang bace pon
kalu ade orang 'terbaca',
itu makne nye nasib baik jeee...kan???

During weekend nih
n especially time petang-petang camni
best kalu dapat kua jalan-jalan
refresh mind kat taman
men badminton
joging kat padang
tapi malangnya.......
ak ni seorang pemalas...kiki
malas nak kua bilik
ade reason!
becoz nak merehatkan diri setelah 5 hari berturut-turut 
pergi kelas, kuliah, lab, experiment n so on...
which mendedahkan ak dengan udara berhabuk d tempat2 terbuka
this weekend,
n almost every weekend lar...
ak suke menghabiskan masa dengan memalaskan diri di bilik kesayangan ku...

Next week, 
my uncle's weeding
lately, ak asek denga pasal weeding jer
kawan2 ak dok citer sal weeding,
facebook pon ade pasal weeding
even drama malay korea pon byk sal weeding
becoz...ak xberminat
tapi, bile org dok sebut2,
ak pon join gk la discussion..hehe...

My cousin plak sibuk tanye pasal bopren ak
mane ade...
xde la..
kalu berminat pon, 
ak xnak approach
or i will absolutely ignore
like pabbo chorom~hihi
am i not normal? erk... songsengnim, tuajuseyyo...huhu
ak rase la, 
my fate will be like my aunt...married at the age 30s something
or maybe never married
or maybe suddenly married next year
watpe laa nk kawin awl2,
wat menyusahkan hidup je
kene kongkong if dapat husband pengongkong
kene pukul if dapat husband kaki pukul
watpe kawin kalu end up divorce
wasting time jee... friend said that i have negative thinking 
about married, about relationship
alah...they don't know how i feel
if having a relationship, then you will be leading to marriage
so i am not taking the risk...hehe
besides, person like me...impossible bole buat sesiapa saje
Madly Deeply Crazily Sadly Deadly Happily IN LOVE with me
yeah... Right!
so, enjoy da life~

Thursday, March 1, 2012


that's my name
tadi search kt google
then, appeared massacre at Shatila and Sabra
It's a bit sad.
Suddenly i feel that
maybe i should become a
representative of Shatila
or sukarelawan Shatila
ak akan mempertahankan Shatila
ak akan membangunkan Shatila
since i am a princess of Shatila
makes sense?

i wonder, patut laa hati ak d penuhi kesedihan dan kesebalan
mungkin kerana peristiwa hitam di Shatila, Lebanon
yang turut merobek hati dan jiwaku
nama itu sendiri mempunyai sejarah yang perit
disebalik keperitan tersebut
terselindung sebuah kekuatan, ketabahan, kecekalan, keberanian
untuk menghadapi segala cabaran hidup

Monday, February 27, 2012

Dear All...

Ntah laa...
ak nih byk tol laa persoalan n permasalahan dalaman
i dont know

My feeling right now:
melody is just same as Jung ill woo
'A person like U'
(not the lyric)

my heart is empty
my mind also empty
I miss my old family~

My heart is hard as stone
like Miss A 'Goodbye Baby'
na iremun ila ga aneundwe~

Then suddenly,
i feel regretful...
mirror hanging on the wall
show me what i wanna see
just like M2M 'Mirror Mirror'

The clock past by very fast
i'm scared
i'm afraid
tik tok on da clock
but the party dont stop no...
'Tik Tok'


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Gambaq part 2

A Famosa lagi..huu~

The Drebar n Pemandu Pelancong..hehe

Yeay...kamek lg...

That Church is eye catching

Saya Syok Sendiri



Kincir angin


Batu2 ni tok ape ek? Tugu peringatan? aah kot..

I LoVe BeacH



dont over sleep!

feeling stuffed~

Saturday, February 18, 2012

SeMester Las

n afternoon...

malam tadi,
nga masak2 n merewang
my rice cooker meletop-letop..
uhuk...sedeh tolll
nk bkk sem laaa die nk rosak...
ce hidup sihat walafiat smpai laa abeh sem ni
kan bagos
xyh laa ak nk p beli y baru...
da xleh nk masak daa~
gudbye my rice cooker...
i'll dump u at the best place
dun worry... inside tong sampah!

haaa.......isnin ni nak start sem 6...
kecuakan melanda diri
ak amek subjek tmbahan tok final sem ni
ak risau ngn fyp ak...
kalu xde mase nk wat canne
cam packed jee jadual..
nak drop mandarin tp dorg ni asek soh amek jee
ya allah...
mudah-mudahan ak dapat kereta s4 abeh sem...amin.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hye OLLzz...

malam everyone...
lg 1 minit je nk msok midnight~

rite now, 
im listening to 
"Obsesi" from Aqasha...acoustic version...
omoo...sedap plak bile denga lagu nih...hahahah
tp y ak denga ni video mase tahun 2010...lame dah upenye lagu nh
This song makes me
Fall In Love

naughty song lorh...
but the chorus part tu xbole blah...
geli gak mse mule2 denga lagu nih...
ape kes laa wat lirik camni kan..?
then from the inverview,
he said that this song is to express his feeling for someone he loves
cuz he dont know how to express it by words
or which means he is not jiwang person..
bertuahnya his wife...
i want someone like him oso....can i???

(by the time i finished type this post, its oredy midnight..heee)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


~Cinta kau dan aku,
xkan mungkin bersatu
Untuk saat ini
d dunia ini...
mungkin kita bersama
tapi d atas sana~

~ku sedar ku xseberapa
jika d banding mereka~

dok feeling lagu nih....kekeke....


xmo da tgk drama2 or novel2 y berasaskan kawen pakse
ish..mgganggu ketenteraman idop..haha
ak xley lupe da citer gemersik kalbu
siap bace novel g...
semangat kan???
ble da bce
xde la bess pn
but ak trtunggu2 camane si AQASHA akan lakonkan watak die lam drama tuh

kalu nk tau,
ak ske that type of man...
chinese look..
so cute..hehehe...
but not too chubby laa...
ensem laaa aqashaa....
wish my future hubby looks like him
n love me more than anything (love allah the most)

SalaM MauLiduR RasuL


maulud nabi ari ahad lepas...
today is Wednesday...
kire halal laa....kiki

my lappy wat hal....
uhuk... love lappy, dont u be sick
or sulky
i wont leave u....
be nice to me...
i'll be nice to u...
sarange lappiyaa....:>

Saturday, February 4, 2012


ak xpaham ngn ati ak
ax xpaham ngn diri ak
kenapa ngn diri ak?

malam tadi,
ak termimpi dia
i donno, is it him or someone else
its been a long time i didn't see him
but my heart said it's him
he appeared like cameo in my dream
he walks in front of me
and then disappeared
not looking at me
as usual..huhuhu...
is he still angry at me?
when i woke up this morning,
i remembered him
sadness embraced me...

wait a minute!
why should i???
why should i miss him???
he is not suppose to control me
ughh.... what a fool...
stop dreamy....we never can be together
i never can accept him


CuTi SeM

cti sem ni, ak stay kt kolej kedua...merpati... i LoVe this block..!hehe...tenang..aman..damai...
xcam blok2 len yg suke mnjerit2 soh tron meeting or what so ever...
k..sepanjang cti sem ni, ingat kan nak wat la FYP yg tergendala, tapi, smpai pertengahan cti sem ni pon xbuat2 gak... Sir ckp we are too rushing.. bukan pew, tgakot xsempaat jer nak wat bile msok sem baru t...ughhh.....especially my project is regarding to lipid Alla...permudahkan lah..... amin....

Pastu, sepanjang cuti ni gak ak banyak gak kua...hehehe... xde la byk...baru 2x kua... Skali g Nilai umah prof kenduri, skali lg Melaka which is keesokan harinya...heehee....bez laaa g melaka...

1st of all, umah prof... mm.... cane ek nk ckp, umaa prof sgt cntik.... besauuu.... ENglish style seyh!
kan bes kalu ak pon umaaa cam tuhhh....wahhh.....besnyee..... lbh2 lagi bersama ngn loving n romantic hubby...hehehehe.....bahagianye....... berbalik plak ke citer umah prof td, uma 2 tingkat, siap renovate sendiri lg... hebat kan?? ak rse bertuah sunggoh laa anak2 prof.. yela, umaa cntik, loving parents, everything is there for them...xperlu bersusah payah cam org2 ak... y cume bole berangan je so that one day i will be like them...hahaha......berangan! okeh...pasal umah die lg, malam tu igtkan ade rewang upenye xde pon. sumer oder ktorang tang cume tok melepak jelaa...but lepak2 pon segan kot.....da la xkenal sume sedare mare ucu (anak sedara prof)...hehe.... ktorg wat muke tebal jelaa....anak2 die pon ktorang xramah sakan.... tah le..... maybe ktorang nih sombong sangat kot.... atau ak nih sombong sangat. pergh.... lantak laa..... itulah kali PERTAMA dan TERAKHIR ak akan berjumpa dengan keluarga prof.... after this, NEVER n EVER....huhuhu...... nape ak ckp camni?? alah....xde pape pon...just segan laaa... ak cume rse xmo dah jmpe all their family members after this...hiiihiii....n i think there is no other reason untuk ak berjumpa ngn mereka...kan????? yeah!!!!! ak just want they assume me and along fade along with wind, no traces, no rememberes.. ceh....ak nih, ayat cam dorg pnah wat salah je ngn ak...hahaha...xdelaa.... it just, malu laa nk jumpe mereka lg...cukuplah sekali... name kami pon dorg, ok la tuh.....haaahaaa........

~Xdak kijo..dok tgkp gambo jeleee.....kiki~
(At Night)

~Tgkp GamBo lg..hehe~

~Tempat Sarapan...Khemah kt kawasan Lua..~
(TeMa IjO)

BerToLaK BaLek!

Then, after the wedding ceremony, kami pon bertolak blik dari Nilai umaa prof. Malam tuh plak, ak g Melakaaaaa..... actually, xnak g sebenarnya. but sian plak ke manja yg da bersemangat nak g...huhu... ak pon sebenarnya nak g gak, kalu ikotkan ati tu excited nak mati pat g melaka..haha... but, kepenatan dr nilai tu buat ak think twice.... Lastly, ak pon ambek keputusan nak g gak...nak lepaskan stress...huhu.... ktorang sampai sane lam kol 11 lebih, banyak gak tmpat kami g.. tengok2 JONKER WALK, cantik...siap ade hiasan dragon g kat atas bangunan.... masa  ak tgk je jonker walk tu, ak teringat pasal mimpi ak sebelum ni... mimpi ak cam nak dekat same ngn jinker walk tu.... it's like DEJAVU... dalam mimpi ak, ak masuk kat satu lorong yg meriah cam kt melaka tu. ade perhiasan cina gantong2 kat atas, then, orang ramai...Ak jalan ikot seseorang yg tunjukkan jalan ke arah tren. mase tu ak mmpi ak sorang je. Ak nak nek tren nak lek umah....but, actually tersalah nek tren, so, sebab tu ak tron kat jalan tu... ak mimpi ak serempak ngn Ude...hehe... kami berdua berjalan naik jejantas nak g ke stesen seberang... tempat tu plak sesak ngn orang yg turun naik jejantas. Pastu, dah sampai le stesen kat seberang nye, tutop la plakkkk............ so tpakse la berpatah balek ke tempat sebelum tu... tp ktorang malas da nak nek jejantas tu, Ude ajak redah je jalan raya yg agk sesak...then.........pulp......xingat sudaaa~~~~~~~~~ Back to melaka, At last, AK BERJAYA MENNEJAKKAN KAKI KAT PANTAI! gumbiranyaaaa ak........da lame nk  g pantai....heeeheee....
thanks to cekna for bringing me there~

JonKer WaLk

Ce Teka...Ape nih?
~Ini la A.Famosa~

WelCome To My FortresS..:P

InterioR DesigN
~Sape nak umah design camni, kontek me~

~X-kubur Frau Van Riebeck, wife of John Van Riebeck
Founder of Cape colony~

~Laluan yg Cantik~

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