Ntah laa...
ak nih byk tol laa persoalan n permasalahan dalaman
i dont know
My feeling right now:
melody is just same as Jung ill woo
'A person like U'
(not the lyric)
my heart is empty
my mind also empty
I miss my old family~
My heart is hard as stone
like Miss A 'Goodbye Baby'
na iremun ila ga aneundwe~
Then suddenly,
i feel regretful...
mirror hanging on the wall
show me what i wanna see
just like M2M 'Mirror Mirror'
The clock past by very fast
i'm scared
i'm afraid
tik tok on da clock
but the party dont stop no...
'Tik Tok'
Monday, February 27, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Gambaq part 2
A Famosa lagi..huu~ |
The Drebar n Pemandu Pelancong..hehe |
Yeay...kamek lg... |
That Church is eye catching |
Saya Syok Sendiri |
See?See?See? |
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Kincir angin |
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~Posing~ |
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Batu2 ni tok ape ek? Tugu peringatan? aah kot.. |
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I LoVe BeacH |
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Lagi~wee... |
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Twilight |
Saturday, February 18, 2012
SeMester Las
n afternoon...
malam tadi,
nga masak2 n merewang
my rice cooker meletop-letop..
uhuk...sedeh tolll
nk bkk sem laaa die nk rosak...
ce hidup sihat walafiat smpai laa abeh sem ni
kan bagos
xyh laa ak nk p beli y baru...
da xleh nk masak daa~
gudbye my rice cooker...
i'll dump u at the best place
dun worry... inside tong sampah!
haaa.......isnin ni nak start sem 6...
kecuakan melanda diri
ak amek subjek tmbahan tok final sem ni
ak risau ngn fyp ak...
kalu xde mase nk wat canne
cam packed jee jadual..
nak drop mandarin tp dorg ni asek soh amek jee
ya allah...
mudah-mudahan ak dapat kereta s4 abeh sem...amin.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Hye OLLzz...
malam everyone...
lg 1 minit je nk msok midnight~
rite now,
im listening to
"Obsesi" from Aqasha...acoustic version...
omoo...sedap plak bile denga lagu nih...hahahah
tp y ak denga ni video mase tahun 2010...lame dah upenye lagu nh
This song makes me
Fall In Love
naughty song lorh...
but the chorus part tu xbole blah...
geli gak mse mule2 denga lagu nih...
ape kes laa wat lirik camni kan..?
then from the inverview,
he said that this song is to express his feeling for someone he loves
cuz he dont know how to express it by words
or which means he is not jiwang person..
bertuahnya his wife...
i want someone like him oso....can i???
(by the time i finished type this post, its oredy midnight..heee)
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
~Cinta kau dan aku,
xkan mungkin bersatu
Untuk saat ini
d dunia ini...
mungkin kita bersama
tapi d atas sana~
~ku sedar ku xseberapa
jika d banding mereka~
dok feeling lagu nih....kekeke....
xmo da tgk drama2 or novel2 y berasaskan kawen pakse
ish..mgganggu ketenteraman idop..haha
ak xley lupe da citer gemersik kalbu
siap bace novel g...
semangat kan???
ble da bce
xde la bess pn
but ak trtunggu2 camane si AQASHA akan lakonkan watak die lam drama tuh
kalu nk tau,
ak ske that type of man...
chinese look..
so cute..hehehe...
but not too chubby laa...
ensem laaa aqashaa....
wish my future hubby looks like him
n love me more than anything (love allah the most)
xmo da tgk drama2 or novel2 y berasaskan kawen pakse
ish..mgganggu ketenteraman idop..haha
ak xley lupe da citer gemersik kalbu
siap bace novel g...
semangat kan???
ble da bce
xde la bess pn
but ak trtunggu2 camane si AQASHA akan lakonkan watak die lam drama tuh
kalu nk tau,
ak ske that type of man...
chinese look..
so cute..hehehe...
but not too chubby laa...
ensem laaa aqashaa....
wish my future hubby looks like him
n love me more than anything (love allah the most)
SalaM MauLiduR RasuL
maulud nabi ari ahad lepas...
today is Wednesday...
kire halal laa....kiki
my lappy wat hal....
sedeyyyyyy....my love lappy, dont u be sick
or sulky
i wont leave u....
be nice to me...
i'll be nice to u...
sarange lappiyaa....:>
Saturday, February 4, 2012
ak xpaham ngn ati ak
ax xpaham ngn diri ak
kenapa ngn diri ak?
malam tadi,
ak termimpi dia
i donno, is it him or someone else
its been a long time i didn't see him
but my heart said it's him
he appeared like cameo in my dream
he walks in front of me
and then disappeared
not looking at me
as usual..huhuhu...
is he still angry at me?
when i woke up this morning,
i remembered him
sadness embraced me...
wait a minute!
why should i???
why should i miss him???
he is not suppose to control me
ughh.... what a fool...
stop dreamy....we never can be together
i never can accept him
ax xpaham ngn diri ak
kenapa ngn diri ak?
malam tadi,
ak termimpi dia
i donno, is it him or someone else
its been a long time i didn't see him
but my heart said it's him
he appeared like cameo in my dream
he walks in front of me
and then disappeared
not looking at me
as usual..huhuhu...
is he still angry at me?
when i woke up this morning,
i remembered him
sadness embraced me...
wait a minute!
why should i???
why should i miss him???
he is not suppose to control me
ughh.... what a fool...
stop dreamy....we never can be together
i never can accept him
CuTi SeM
cti sem ni, ak stay kt kolej kedua...merpati... i LoVe this block..!hehe...tenang..aman..damai...
xcam blok2 len yg suke mnjerit2 soh tron meeting or what so ever...
k..sepanjang cti sem ni, ingat kan nak wat la FYP yg tergendala, tapi, smpai pertengahan cti sem ni pon xbuat2 gak... Sir ckp we are too rushing.. bukan pew, tgakot xsempaat jer nak wat bile msok sem baru t...ughhh.....especially my project is regarding to lipid extraction...mm....scaryy..........Ya Alla...permudahkan lah..... amin....
Pastu, sepanjang cuti ni gak ak banyak gak kua...hehehe... xde la byk...baru 2x kua... Skali g Nilai umah prof kenduri, skali lg Melaka which is keesokan harinya...heehee....bez laaa g melaka...
1st of all, umah prof... mm.... cane ek nk ckp, umaa prof sgt cntik.... besauuu.... ENglish style seyh!
kan bes kalu ak pon umaaa cam tuhhh....wahhh.....besnyee..... lbh2 lagi bersama ngn loving n romantic hubby...hehehehe.....bahagianye....... berbalik plak ke citer umah prof td, uma 2 tingkat, siap renovate sendiri lg... hebat kan?? ak rse bertuah sunggoh laa anak2 prof.. yela, umaa cntik, loving parents, everything is there for them...xperlu bersusah payah cam org2 kebanyakan...cam ak... y cume bole berangan je so that one day i will be like them...hahaha......berangan! okeh...pasal umah die lg, malam tu igtkan ade rewang upenye xde pon. sumer oder catering...so ktorang tang cume tok melepak jelaa...but lepak2 pon segan kot.....da la xkenal sume sedare mare ucu (anak sedara prof)...hehe.... ktorg wat muke tebal jelaa....anak2 die pon ktorang xramah sakan.... tah le..... maybe ktorang nih sombong sangat kot.... atau ak nih sombong sangat. pergh.... lantak laa..... itulah kali PERTAMA dan TERAKHIR ak akan berjumpa dengan keluarga prof.... after this, NEVER n EVER....huhuhu...... nape ak ckp camni?? alah....xde pape pon...just segan laaa... ak cume rse xmo dah jmpe all their family members after this...hiiihiii....n i think there is no other reason untuk ak berjumpa ngn mereka...kan????? yeah!!!!! ak just want they assume me and along fade along with wind, no traces, no rememberes.. ceh....ak nih, ayat cam dorg pnah wat salah je ngn ak...hahaha...xdelaa.... it just, malu laa nk jumpe mereka lg...cukuplah sekali... name kami pon dorg xtau...so, ok la tuh.....haaahaaa........
Then, after the wedding ceremony, kami pon bertolak blik dari Nilai umaa prof. Malam tuh plak, ak g Melakaaaaa..... actually, xnak g sebenarnya. but sian plak ke manja yg da bersemangat nak g...huhu... ak pon sebenarnya nak g gak, kalu ikotkan ati tu excited nak mati pat g melaka..haha... but, kepenatan dr nilai tu buat ak think twice.... Lastly, ak pon ambek keputusan nak g gak...nak lepaskan stress...huhu.... ktorang sampai sane lam kol 11 lebih, banyak gak tmpat kami g.. tengok2 JONKER WALK, cantik...siap ade hiasan dragon g kat atas bangunan.... masa ak tgk je jonker walk tu, ak teringat pasal mimpi ak sebelum ni... mimpi ak cam nak dekat same ngn jinker walk tu.... it's like DEJAVU... dalam mimpi ak, ak masuk kat satu lorong yg meriah cam kt melaka tu. ade perhiasan cina gantong2 kat atas, then, orang ramai...Ak jalan ikot seseorang yg tunjukkan jalan ke arah tren. mase tu ak mmpi ak sorang je. Ak nak nek tren nak lek umah....but, actually tersalah nek tren, so, sebab tu ak tron kat jalan tu... ak mimpi ak serempak ngn Ude...hehe... kami berdua berjalan naik jejantas nak g ke stesen seberang... tempat tu plak sesak ngn orang yg turun naik jejantas. Pastu, dah sampai le stesen kat seberang nye, tutop la plakkkk............ so tpakse la berpatah balek ke tempat sebelum tu... tp ktorang malas da nak nek jejantas tu, Ude ajak redah je jalan raya yg agk sesak...then.........pulp......xingat sudaaa~~~~~~~~~ Back to melaka, At last, AK BERJAYA MENNEJAKKAN KAKI KAT PANTAI! gumbiranyaaaa ak........da lame nk g pantai....heeeheee....
thanks to cekna for bringing me there~
xcam blok2 len yg suke mnjerit2 soh tron meeting or what so ever...
k..sepanjang cti sem ni, ingat kan nak wat la FYP yg tergendala, tapi, smpai pertengahan cti sem ni pon xbuat2 gak... Sir ckp we are too rushing.. bukan pew, tgakot xsempaat jer nak wat bile msok sem baru t...ughhh.....especially my project is regarding to lipid extraction...mm....scaryy..........Ya Alla...permudahkan lah..... amin....
Pastu, sepanjang cuti ni gak ak banyak gak kua...hehehe... xde la byk...baru 2x kua... Skali g Nilai umah prof kenduri, skali lg Melaka which is keesokan harinya...heehee....bez laaa g melaka...
1st of all, umah prof... mm.... cane ek nk ckp, umaa prof sgt cntik.... besauuu.... ENglish style seyh!
kan bes kalu ak pon umaaa cam tuhhh....wahhh.....besnyee..... lbh2 lagi bersama ngn loving n romantic hubby...hehehehe.....bahagianye....... berbalik plak ke citer umah prof td, uma 2 tingkat, siap renovate sendiri lg... hebat kan?? ak rse bertuah sunggoh laa anak2 prof.. yela, umaa cntik, loving parents, everything is there for them...xperlu bersusah payah cam org2 kebanyakan...cam ak... y cume bole berangan je so that one day i will be like them...hahaha......berangan! okeh...pasal umah die lg, malam tu igtkan ade rewang upenye xde pon. sumer oder catering...so ktorang tang cume tok melepak jelaa...but lepak2 pon segan kot.....da la xkenal sume sedare mare ucu (anak sedara prof)...hehe.... ktorg wat muke tebal jelaa....anak2 die pon ktorang xramah sakan.... tah le..... maybe ktorang nih sombong sangat kot.... atau ak nih sombong sangat. pergh.... lantak laa..... itulah kali PERTAMA dan TERAKHIR ak akan berjumpa dengan keluarga prof.... after this, NEVER n EVER....huhuhu...... nape ak ckp camni?? alah....xde pape pon...just segan laaa... ak cume rse xmo dah jmpe all their family members after this...hiiihiii....n i think there is no other reason untuk ak berjumpa ngn mereka...kan????? yeah!!!!! ak just want they assume me and along fade along with wind, no traces, no rememberes.. ceh....ak nih, ayat cam dorg pnah wat salah je ngn ak...hahaha...xdelaa.... it just, malu laa nk jumpe mereka lg...cukuplah sekali... name kami pon dorg xtau...so, ok la tuh.....haaahaaa........
~Xdak kijo..dok tgkp gambo jeleee.....kiki~
(At Night)
~Tgkp GamBo lg..hehe~
~Tempat Sarapan...Khemah kt kawasan Lua..~
(TeMa IjO)
BerToLaK BaLek!
thanks to cekna for bringing me there~
JonKer WaLk
Ce Teka...Ape nih?
~Ini la A.Famosa~
WelCome To My FortresS..:P
InterioR DesigN
~Sape nak umah design camni, kontek me~
~X-kubur Frau Van Riebeck, wife of John Van Riebeck
Founder of Cape colony~
~Laluan yg Cantik~
salam sejahtera...(ayat skema..:P)
today is saturday,
(erk...skema lg..:P)
oke laa...
senanye nk citer nih,
sal result exam
ak xtau la nak kate gumbiraa ngn result ni or sedih...
from what i felt right now,
i'm not satisfied (ughh......xbersyukur punya org,,huhu)
xde laaaa
dalam idop nih,
kite xbole selalu berpuas hati dgn apa y kita da capai
even org kate excellent, gempak,
the truth is...never ever b satisfied....
kalu x sampai bile kite nak maju?
kalu baru kejayaan yg kecil pon dah berpuas ati dan d raikan dengan gilang-gemilangnya...
namun begitu...(ayat skema lg...:P)
da dapat tu,
ucaplah 'Alhamdulillah, syukur kehadrat Allah'
ade hikmahnya Allah jadikan begitu..ye dok?
adoi...ak nih ayat berputar belit!
pas nih, ak perlu give more effort
dapatkan pointer yg terbaek untuk sem terakhir d UPM nih...insyaallahh....
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