what is the meaning of life?
when can i get what i want?
that questions keep repeating inside my head.
be at home
i feel useless
nothing i can doo....
i will be like this for the rest of my holidays???
stay in college is much more fun than at home..hehe
i still cant believe I AM 20 right now and 21 next year!!
cepatnyee mase berjalan..
jelesnye kt org y da berjaye waktu umur cam ak
how come org len leh berjaye n not me?
when i take a deep breath, i think i know a little bit y
it because i am science student
science needs time to be study
lebih-lebih lagi ak bukanla lahir ngn otak yang geniuss...
it needs time to be digested..
i wish i will become someone somedayy...amin....
ak de tgk citer STILL MARRY ME yang ade KIMBUM blakon...
citer sal 3 org wanita andartu yang xjumpe2 lagi their true love.
leh layan larrr episod2 dpn nyer tuu...da blakg2 cam hampeh ket...heee
citer nye camni..
"kimbum yg hottt tuuu fall in love with woman 10 years older than him, luckily the woman is cute n beautifull, kalo x, da lame ak delete citer tuu...hehe.... then, mak kimbum lak umo same cam umo pompuan tuu, lagi larrr kesiann... but, sebab lagi satu ak tgk citer tu is because all pompuan lam citer tuu adalah org yg berkerjaya... depe pentingkan kareer drpd love, thats why bile umoo da nk 35 brulaa sebok nk crik life partner"
hehe.... that story inspired me to work hard no need to think bout l_v_ cuz it will come no matter when n where, what we need only patience and once it come, try to grab it till the end...hehe.....falsafah beb!
ak de jugak trpikir cane kalu ak jadik andartuu????
warghhhhh...thats a scary thought i think...really?mm..donow... pemikiran orang melayu pelik sket... andartu depe anggap ksian n sbgai bahan lawak tok dorang mengate. tu la die org melayu, yg suke tgk org len jatuh drpd bntu kaum sendiri...from what i can see, jealousy is the root that makes us still mundur... thats only my opinion...peace...!
back to andartuu... ak rse ak cam ade ciri2 je ke arah tuu...hehehe.... ntah larr.... ak...can i say that i anti-adamsss??? heee.....not only me, my frendss alsoo.. but it doesnt means that i am les...euuuuuuussss...!!
just dont find the correct one maybe... takot larr..im not ready yet.. geli pon ade... segannyee kalu mak bapak ak tau, adik2 ak tauu IF i hv bf...just cant imagine.....!hehe
ak..... seorang y pasif ngn org y ak xrapat. my pndangan is sharp as a knife even in normal situation..hehe... and im rarely smile to someone i didnt close...kalu ak try senyum pon akan tak jadik...muke ak akan jadik cam pelik..so beter xyah larr....cme memaniskan muke sahaje... adik ak ckp cara pndangan ak agak menakotkan... ek??? yela kot...
ini adalah dsebabkan saiz mate ak yang kecil n mata itam ak yang agak besauu.... ble ak bukak spek, my eyes is small... which i like it...hehe...
i think my eyes is scary and at the same time sexxy......hahaha...... iyeker???? ak suke tgk mate ak bile ak apply eyeliner... my frens cakap its kinda scary, especially when i draw CLEOPATRA line...heeee......
lantak larr...baru ade karakter....kan?????
ak ade bace satu novel yg sangat2 bezz,
tajok nye
bezz giler novel tuu..
so many journeys n magical...
hebat r penulisnyee, xtau cane penulisnye boleh berfikir kreatif n kritis cmtu. xsaba nak bace part keduaa... 2 malam tok abehkan 1buku...heee....
citer die camni,
" kisah bermula bile AIDAN si hero mimpi berjumpa ngn ARIANA kt 1 tmpat y amat tenang n damai n ade 1 pokok y amat aneh kt situ, batang pokok tu licin n daunnye sgt lebar, pokok tu plak sgt tinggi. mimpi tu dtg tiap2 mlm. xsgke rupe-rupenye si Ariana pon mimpi bende y same cm Aidan. tp nme ariana y sebenar bukan Ariana tp PUTERI SIBILA, bakal pemerintah kerajaan di utara bernama GALACKOS. bapak die plak seorg y kejam. Puteri Sibila nie lak ade kuase y sgt hebat... sme as Aidan... dsebabkn mmpi tu, Sibila n Aidan jnji nk jumpe kt tmpt y dorang mmpikn tuu, so bermule larr journey dorang y pnoh adventure...."
4star lar i kasi kt novel niehh...heee.... haa... Aidan tu sebenanye half manusia half elf. endingnye is a bit twisted larr... xcam y kiter harapkann...but still da bezzzzz!
Novel nie same hebatnye cam novel trilogi
which is i likeeee...but the difference is novel Legenda nie penulisannyer x la puitis sgt cam novel Sunan, n ayat2nye boleh d fahami ngn senang.
ak xsuke citer cintee meleret-leret, boring kalu pnulisnye xreti nk express dlm pnulisan cam novel Makna Cinta. boring gilerr, melereeeeeettttt je jln citernye..huhu..