lme da x ber'blog...tetibe rse nk tles blog ble tgk kwan2 nye blog..
How to make an attractive blog? entah larrr..hihi
2-3 ari ni ak stadi GENETIC ENGINEERING
bezz r subjek tuu...kn bgos kalu ak stadi dr awal sem,xla result trok..hehe..
kebelakngan nie i;m happy because there's no meeting that i need to attend..huh... xske la p meeting..
wastingmy time..hehe
beberapa mingggu y lpas kami prgi picnic kat SUNGAI GABAI..
sonok giler... gamba???? xde kat i larr...my fon da berminggu rosak, cant take pic...kinda sad actually..huhu...
on da way to SG GABAI mg sonok.. we go with 2 cars, satu Ina bawak n the other Ucu bawak... Ak ofkoz r nek kete ngn Ina, bersama-sama ngn Angah n Acik... Kete lg 1 Along n Ude sbg pnumpangnye..hehe... Walaupon da lepas, but da memory still fresh in mind... sonok sangat waktu tuu... kami skip FAMILY DAY... haha........ mase tuu kmi da tensyen sgt, so we just go to refresh our mind...
On da way there, ak igt lg ktorang trserempak ngn org2 asli dsane, n y pntg skali lokasi pengambaran citer JANGAN PANDANG BELAkANG CONGKAK, warung y de kat lam scene citer tuu..hehe...cantekk...but the warung is not open larr... closed already... then, sepanjang perjalanan hutan je, jalan nk msok ke kawasan air trjun pon kecik.. naseb bek larr xterlajak...hehehe.....
barang pnyer la banyak ktorang bawak...las2 trsadai je kat tepi batu...makanan bertimbunn... ngn tikar nye, beg pkaian lg, hahaha..... bese lar, 1st taim g picnic....heheehe......
p/s: next time i'll post the pic when i received it from my ucu ok!
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