Happy Chinese new year!
d mse ni, d saat ni, ak drumah nga tgk2 n jeling2 tv cite phobia 2.
asek dok ulang jerr citer tuu, buhsan i...huhuhu....
rasenye da almost 2 weeks i x post entry kn...bkn pe, xde mud jerr... besides kinda bz ket...hihi...
bz p ek?? nth... bz stadi larr...(cewahhh...skema...!)
dmase nih, dsaat ni, ak suddenly miss someone..hee....
sape tuhh?
i miss him
also ak rindukan Nya...
bile ak miss him, ak akn cube sntiase alihkan rindu ak kepadaNya...(yg maha esa)
homework cuti ni byk gilerrr.... ngn repot y bertimbun, exam y upcoming... huh...
i can't breath....!
everyday, cti ni ak akn ngadap lptop... aigoooo...... no rest taim....
huh.....tarik napasss..........hembuuuuus......
that's why laa ak bkk blog...tgk2 n bce2 blog kwn2...wahh.... sonok laa blog dorang...
cute, kemas, xcam ak..hihi.....
n smpat gk ak bkk blog si die...heheheh.....opss...!
xlaa.... ter'bukak...hihi....xpasal2 ak d anggp stalker lak....hahaa....
ak lbh suke pendam kn sje prasaan ak... 

its not da time yet...heeee........
better focus to the most important thing than anytg else...kn???
last weekend, ak pegi KEM AKADEMIK...
syok gk larrr...hihi
even asek dok lam dewan je tp still sonok coz pemandangan die cantekkk...
ak n ina p kem tuu

cntekk sgtt.....siyess.....
kmi dok kat chalet...
mg mewah r tmpt tggal die...
mule2 ak takot sgt nk p
nk tidoo pon xlalu (b4 brtolak)
tkot aktiviti die ganazz2...
las2 xde la sgt.....
relek jeee....
n santai....
suke larr......
besides dapt merapatkn diri ngn Prof2 n Dokter2....
mg satisfied laa....heee...
y pntg skali
geli gilerrr ngn binatg tuuhh....
nk kate ak xkene gigit xjugak....
ade la rase MACAM kene ggit kt dagu
tp ak smpat buang laa n xsmpat tgk binatg tuu mggigit ak..hihi
kat tangan ak lak die smpat pnjat tp xsmpat gigit..nseb ade resquer.....
tu pon mnjerit2 kemain g ak taim bnatg tu bru memanjat2 tgn ak......
histeria sekejap......haha....
yeah!!! ni la gmbo2 y xbape cun spnjg ak d
kem akademik...hihi

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