Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Umur and blablabla

Ak 23 tahun.
Orang cakap muka ak cam orang yg berumur 27 tahun...grrr~
Nampak sgt tua la ak mi upenye
Ade someone tu cakap
"Bagus la..leh wat protection. Orang tak kacau..haha"
Memang la xkaco, sbb depe igt ak da berpunye..
Patut laa smpai sekarang single mingle
Ek??? Ade kaitan x??? Hehe...

Kat pat keje ak,
Ade ramai yg berumur 27 tahun
N ramai lg yg masih single
Dasyat kan???
Tapi here's the catch,
They all doesn't looks like 27..
They all looks like 21 years old.
Can u believe it???
Cannot kan???
Camane laa depe bole mask their age..
I'm so envy..hohooo
I think, kene jage pemakanan n exercise alot kot...

Arini baru ari slase.
Tapi dah mengharap ari jumaat
Sok nak kai baju ape?
Ak xske recycle baju
Tu saje yg ade
Kan best kalu sophisticated
Cam one of my collegue
Segan ak nak berkawan ngan die
Nampak cam anak dato sunggoh
So sophisticated n trendy
Ak?? Selekeh aje..hukhuk...

posted from Bloggeroid

Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday Blues

Da nak masuk monday da ni.. now its 11.59pm.. another 1 minute. When i post this, maybe its already past midnight..
Oh goshh...
Y am i feeling like this..
Its all mind set. Monday is nothing actually.
Y should i feel like this?
Y i feel nervous?
As usual larr.. when its monday, my heart beats fast.
I hate this.
Can i remove my heart?
So that it will not beating? Haha..
Then i'll b dead...
Now i know something bout myself.
I dont like uncertainty.
I dont like changes.
Eventhough i easily get bored.
Thats what i dont like bout myself.
Its all Mind Set!
Mind control please!

Tomorrow will gonna b fun.

May allah bless me
May allah save me
From any kind of mislead

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Saturday, August 24, 2013


Kucing ni sangat jinak...:D

Red carpet..hehe

I'm here...


Burning red!

posted from Bloggeroid

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sunday, August 4, 2013

RayaRayaRaya 2013

Nak raya dah...
Sapa suka time raya?
Sume orang suka..hihihi

Aku pon suka sebab dapat balik kampung
OooOooOoo balik kampung
OooOooOoo balik kampung
Hati girang...

Lame dah xjumpa mak kt kampung
Rindu kat mak ngn nenek kt sane
Nak balik time hari biasa
Susah plak
Time raya je ade masa nak balik

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Bawa airmata ku yang mengalir
Membasuh luka ku~
Ombak rindu

Aku tak mampu pertahankan lagi,
Cinta yang menyakiti,
Biarlah ku sendiri,
Tanpa kasih di hati~
Shahir, Pendam

Hahaa... lagu ni yang salu berkumandang lam kepala otak aku..
Adoi...feeling ke?
Aku minat lagu2 slow camni
Orang cakap,
Lagu2 ni menggambar kan ape yg kite rase sebenarnya
Tapi, aku nak kate putus cinte,
Takde la plak..hehehe

Lagu Pendam nyanyian Shahir ni kan,
Yang aku tau die nyanyi lepas je die clash ngan Rozita kan...
Entah ler... kalau d tengokkan,
Shahir ni banyak nyanyi lagu putus cinta
Sian...mesti pengalaman dia ni..

posted from Bloggeroid

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Down Down Down

Bila Ku Kenang
Ku Renung Gambar Wajahmu
Kisah Yang Lalu Tak Akan Berulang Lagi
Pada Bayangan
Di Angin Lalu
Membisikkan Kata Rindu Bayangan...

*lirik tunggang-langgang*


Sape berangan nak amek kos ni kat malaysia xyah la. Kat malaysia ni industri masih lagi tak berkembang. Syarikat biotek cuma bersaiz kecil dan tidak memerlukan jumlah pekerja yang banyak. Dalam satu syarikat, cuma nak 4 orang je maximum. So? Graduan biotek yang lain pergi kemana? Bidang lain la jawabnya. Sia-sia lah ijazah yang kita dapat tu. End up, sambung master, phD jadi pensyarah. Mana yang tak mampu, continue jela keje dalam bidang yang tak berkaitan with low salary income. Yepp.

I'm a bit frustrated about this reality cuz im a graduated biotechnologist.
Maybe i can take this opportunity to enhance this industry to the fullest in Malaysia and become the pioneer. Right???

I will not lost hope, and will someday become a respectable n reputable biotechnologist one day, which will be recognised by the world.


posted from Bloggeroid

Monday, June 24, 2013


posted from Bloggeroid

I'm Sorry

It's not that i hate you.
It's not that i don't like you.
It's just me.
I am the problem.
I can't hold onto you.
I can't bring you inside my heart.
There is something wrong with me.
I did'nt dare to let anyone come to my heart.
Maybe my heart did not ready?
Maybe you are not the one?
Or maybe i'm scared?
So yes. The problem is with me.
I did'nt meant to hurt anyone of you.
I did'nt meant to push anyone of you.
It just i'm not ready to let anyone of you
Enter my heart.
Let's time decide.
Let's time deal it.
Let's time heal it.



Things that i scared the most are the future.Thinking bout future makes me wonder, whether i can survive in this world or not. The future holds thousands and one mystery. The path i choose will determine how the pictures look likes. Can i success? Its depends on how willing i am to take challenge. Dont frett by yourself. Be brave by grasping the future. You lead your own life. Not anyone around you. Motivation is what you need. High motivation will brings you far from here, far from what you are now. So, be strong. Courage will bring you there.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


The Weather in HOT.
The Heat awaken me.
My Body Cells start activating me.
So I cant sleep.
Well Done Weather.
So now, Please do something good.
Online? Read books? Watch drama?
Papo jo lah...

p/s: Rugi xpegi Subang Parade semalam. Afiq Muiz ade disane, press conference.. Si tanggang 2013..hohoo..

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Korean Drama Analysis - Unrequited Love

Nak citer nie sal Unrequited Love dalam drama-drama korea. Unrequited love which also known as cinta yang tak berbalas. Dalam setiap drama korea mesti ada kes ni.
Dua tiga ari ni ak byk habiskn masa tengok drama2 korea. So aku dapat laa analisis kan disini, situasi itu amatlah wajib dalam setiap drama korea..hahaa...

Menarik ke kisah cinta tak berbalas ni? Wat sedih je ada laa.. kadang2 watak ni akan bertukar jahat sangat2 sebab nak rampas balik orang yang dia suka tu walaupun org tu tak suka kat dia..hmm..ak paling tak suka drama camni. Menyampah. Menyakitkan hati..huhu.. ak takkan tengok laa part perempuan atau lelaki yang tak sedar diri ni..heheee...

Contoh drama, Arang. Tunang kepada Lee Suh Rim aka Arang. Jahat. Pas Suh Rim mati, tetibe nak plak kat Arang, nasib laa Arang hilang ingatan lepas dia mati n jadi manusia balik. Pastu, drama Innocent Man, lakonan Song Joong Ki n Lee Kwang Soo.. Ak tengok sebab Lee Kwang soo je cuz die lawak..hehe.. Citer ni sedih n dramatik sangat, sal Song Joong Ki yg terlalu taksub ngn cinta die. It is an unrequited love cuz dat woman who used to be Joong Ki lover cant forget her love and try to snach him back...hurrr... Sangat2 tak tau malu..grr...

Ada jugak watak baik yang sangat2 kesian dan menyedihkan sebab cinta tak kesampaian yang sangat mendalam kat org tu..sampaikan ak plak yg tangkap cintan sedih melalak sebab watak camtu..hahahaaa... Selalunya kalu ade kes camni kat drama korea, ak akan sokong watak tu daripada hero sebenar..hehe...

Contohnye drama Boys Over Flower. Watak Kim Hyun Joong lam drama tu. Sedih. Unrequited love...huuuu~ pastu drama The Greatest Love, watak Doktor Yun Phil Jun. Sangat baik, lemah lembut, caring, perfect! Tapi, si heroin pilih bad boy as her choice. Thats how the story goes. Tak pe la..

Drama ape yang takde Unrequited love? Hmm...let me think...mm...donnow. Maybe ada cuma ak tak ingat citer ape.. Cite ape ek?? Ohh...citer Faith, heronya Lee Min Ho. Drama tu takde laa unrequited love sangat. Cume masing2 berebut nak dapatkan Doktor from Heaven sebab nak pangkat n kuasa jer..huhuu...

Kalu di bandingkan dengan real life, its happen to everyone jugak kan..haha... cume takde la dramatik cam kat drama tuuu...

'GONE' A Letter for You

He's gone.
No longer around.
Like a song title
From Sistar19
But its reality
He is gone
No longer around
Why should that feeling lingers around

It is so unfair. The world. The heart. Wish can take out that heart, and keep it hidden deep under the sea. So that there is no beating can be heard. Loyal? That is bullshit. You just need to see the world. Then, you can experience more than now. Life is so beautiful to end. Its too many to see. Too many to feel. Too many to heard. Dont regret. So therefore, forget the past, move forward, and make beautiful memory better than now.

From your friend,

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Baru abeh tengok. Sebenarnya ni kali kedua ulang tengok. First tengok, skip cepat2 sebab tak saba nak tengok ending. Kali ni tengok tak skip mana2..hehe

Lagu ost drama ni best, Carry On by Ali. Cite die pun bes. Jalan cite yg mantap. Lakonan yg mantap. Pelakon yg mantap.

Mula2 takde la minat mane Lee Min Ho tu. Dlm boys over flower n city hunter, he looks not attractive. But in Faith, he looks so Cool. I can feel their chemistry eventhough the heroin is older than him. Tak cm previous drama Lee Min Ho yg sebelum ni..huhu...i'm melting…hahaha...

Drama Faith ni mengisahkan Eun Soo yg kene kidnap dari dunia skg ni masuk ke dunia zaman dlu. Mula2 rasa cm tak best sebb banyak sangat drama genre ni. Tapi once da start tengok, i cant stop..huhu... Si Eun Soo ni mata duitan, selfish n penakut. Org yg kidnap die lak Choi Young, general Woodalchi yg smart. Once sampai ke zaman dulu, die kene selamatkan Queen from Yuan, and end up stuck there for a long time.

The best twist in this drama is she is actually the legendary Hwata from 100 years ago, a doctor from heaven they said.

Die sebenarnya yg gunakan Heaven's gate to get back to her beloved one. Its so touching..huhu...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Salam n good evening..

Nk cakap sal ape ek?
Cuaca mendung betul petang ni. Cuma hujan belum turun lagi. Angin bertiup kuat masuk ke dalam rumah..

Rumah ak sekarang tgkat 4, kalu dulu dok tgkat 16 kt kota damansara, time ribut mang scary. Angin kuat cam puting beliung, dengan bunyi angin bersiul, air hujan masuk rumah, wohh...cam tengah berlawan ngn monsun ribut taufan, tapi seronok..haha.. ak suka perkara yg unexpected n exciting cmni..huahaha..

Ingat lagi kejadian Tsunami thun bile tah tu, tsunami yg melibatkan 3 negara jd mangsa, Malaysia, Thailang n Indon. Mase kejadian tu brlaku, ak ad kt umah, nga tido..haha.. mase tu umah ak kt kota damansara tgkat 16. Makck, pakcik, nenek n family ak sume ad kt umah. mase tu waktu pagi. Ak kt dreamland mase tu..hehe..

Mase nga syok tido tetibe ak rase katil ak mcm ad org goyang kiri kanan. Ak mule r nk marah rase. Bukak mate, takde sape pon dalam bilik. Ak da rase seram. Antu???????? Jantung da mula berdegup kencang. Tros ak kua dari blik. Mak, nenek, sume nga sarapan pagi. Ak masuk toilet. Toilet tu pon cam dgoncang kiri kanan. Air lam bekas air berkocak kuat. Ak sampai trpaksa brsandar kat dinding supaya tak jatuh. Kepala ak yg problem ke atau mang umah ak brgoyang?? Abeh je buang hajat lam toilet cpat2 ak kua cari mak ak, nasib bek sume org dlam umah pon rase goncangan rumah yg ak rase pagi tu, so ak bkan giler..huhu..

Jiran2 kat lua rumah mula menjerit-jerit soh turun. Ktorg pe lg, gelabah kemas ape yg patut. Org len sume trun ikut tangga. Ktorg stu family tros brgerak ke arah lif..haha! Lif??? Ad ke gune lif mase ni.. ktorang tak tringat lgsg xleh gune lif mase ni. Padahal tangga seblah umah jer pon..huhu... nasib bek sepanjg nek lif takde pape jadi. Tp bngunan masih lagi bergoyang...takut,nervous,excited sume ak rase. Smpai kt bwah ak tgk ramai dah pghuni2 blok brkumpul. Ak tak tahu kenapa umah ak bergoyang sakan mase tu.

Bomba datang. Polis pon datang. Kecoh gk keadaan mase tu. Ktorg tunggu sampai tgh ari gk la kt bwh sampai la phak berkuasa ckap keadaan da selamat..

Lastly ak dpt tau Tsunami da langgar Banda Aceh, dan juga Penang n Thailand. Menggigil ak mase tu. Ap yg ak rase pagi tu cuma sipi je. Kejadian tu mang menginsafkan ak akan kebesaran Allah...Allahuakhbar...

Monday, April 22, 2013


Nak cite ket sal drama korea ni.
Ak kan fanatik kpop..wahahaa...

Best laaa cter ni..
Mula2 tu tak selera nak tengok sebab orang2 tua pelakonnya.
Pastu kua kat tv.
Ak try la tengok episod 2 kt tv, baru episod 2 da berjaya menarik minat ak nak tengok...

Ak mintak adik carikkn kat kawan uni die, n finally, dapat gak..

Syok giler cite tu..hehehe... Watak heroin ny pon comel. Tak nampak tua pon. Lame2 tgk mcm muka blogger n celebrity Hanis Zalikha tu..hee...cute n sweet...

Walaupun Jang Dong Gun da tak hensem, tpi karisma die masih lagi terasa. Also, si Kim So Ro, die pon lawak..tough man woo..hahaha... overall, memang best la so far..*^o^*



After abeh je BeST Program BiotechCorp, 
ak, Ude n Along g Genting Highland..
Meraikan Kebebasan

Mase ktorg g tu, ujan renyai-renyai.

ktorg berkumpul kat KL SENTRAL dlu.
beli tiket kat sane
Tiket pergi balik

-Bas pergi-balik
-Cable car pergi-balik
-Outdoor theme park

Berbaloi la kan??hehe..
ktorang g ari weekday
klu weekend mesti la mahal lagi kan..hoho~

Inside cable car, wif ALong n Ude (Muke xnpk..hihi)
Masa ktorang sampai kat puncak,
sangat2 sejuk
syok giler!

See dat kabus...wuu...bestnye~
So ktorang ape lagi,
bergambar la puas2...sebab jarang nak rase d kelilingi kabus..hahaha

Kat tangan siap ade gula2 kapas lg tuh..hee~

Yess i admit, i'm da tallest! haha... We all have gula kapas..we r so childish kan?  
Masa ni pukul 12 tengah hari dah.
Hujan renyai2..
n game booth d tutup sementara..:D

Ngap...tak abeh pon mkn..manis sgt..hee~

X for wat?hehe



Yeay, Merry-go-round, 1st ride

2nd game on hazy day

High five!
Masa ari tu fog sangat3x tebal... 
n tak banyak game yang bole naik mase tuh..hehe..
sebelum pegi, 
ak da cek weather forecast
xde plak kate foggy day..
cme stormy day..hahahaa
tp kami xkire, pegi saje,
lantak laa..
nasib baik mase g, tak stormy pon
just slight rain and fog, not frog..:D


See at the back...
Ktorang sempat la main game2 yg ade, 
Depe nek Roller Coster, ak tukang jaga beg je..hehe
Pastu nek Roda pe tah (ak naik sampai kua air mata, hingus sume..scary plus tak tahan tgk Ude dok membebel kt ktorg cuz himpit die..hahaaa..siyes lawak..tak tahan gelak mase tuh..)

Dalam kol 5 ktorang mula gerak turun ke Cable Car
Takut nnt lambat sgt sampai kt KL
nak lek uma lg,
al-maklum la,
kami kn kaum hawa
Safety First


COMEBACK...April 2013

I'm back...

Even xde orang yg akan meraikan ak kembali, tapi ak nak jugak pos bende nih!
ok... nk citer sal ape ek?
Lagi 2 days will be my birthday. 
Tapi, da celebrate daa..hehe... skali ngn umi n abah ak..
Umi bedday pada 1st April, abah lak 17th April, meanwhile me, 24th April...
huhuuhuuu...makan besau...:D


Hamboi...kemain noh...keke^^

Sebenanye da nak masuk 9bulan ak tak update blog.
After ak abeh graduation je, 
terus ak private kan my blog nih..haha...tah papew!
Starting Ogos 2012 until April 2013...fuhh...
9 bulan je pown..haha...
ak on balik..
saje-saje jer...

So, pecer ak sepanjang deactivation ak?

1. September 2012-February 2013:

Citer nye begini ya, 
ak join BeST Program anjuran BiotechCorp selama 6 bulan. 
SO, selama 6 bulan tu, 
I dont have time to update blog and ambil keputusan untuk deactivate je senanye.
Tapi bile pike lek, 
sayang lak nak deactivate, so i private kan sahaja.

So selama 6 months tu, 
I got trained under a biotech company together with my friend, Ude, at Kelana Jaya.

So at the end of February,
the contract was ended, 
and now, here I am,
updating my blog.
So sekarang, 
it's been 2 months I'm Jobless...again...waiting for job call...hohohooo~

With Kak Shiela (Kiri) and Kak Farhana (Kanan), Tukg tgkap gmba Kak Aaina..:D

(Kenangan.. Our Last day..)

2. Majlis Kenduri Abah  January 2013

Mase ni, best ket..
Kami adik-beradik meraikan majlis kenduri our beloved dad n getting a new mom..
Kenduri berlangsung kt Perak, 
Bukit Pekan, Kampar.

After Majlis akad nikah

My Abah n New Umi

Ak mestila menempel gak kt cnie...huahaha

The Bridegroom Wif 3 Princesses

D tugaskan bagi goody bag to the guess

~ The Princesses and A Prince ~

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