Baru abeh tengok. Sebenarnya ni kali kedua ulang tengok. First tengok, skip cepat2 sebab tak saba nak tengok ending. Kali ni tengok tak skip mana2..hehe
Lagu ost drama ni best, Carry On by Ali. Cite die pun bes. Jalan cite yg mantap. Lakonan yg mantap. Pelakon yg mantap.
Mula2 takde la minat mane Lee Min Ho tu. Dlm boys over flower n city hunter, he looks not attractive. But in Faith, he looks so Cool. I can feel their chemistry eventhough the heroin is older than him. Tak cm previous drama Lee Min Ho yg sebelum ni..huhu...i'm melting…hahaha...
Drama Faith ni mengisahkan Eun Soo yg kene kidnap dari dunia skg ni masuk ke dunia zaman dlu. Mula2 rasa cm tak best sebb banyak sangat drama genre ni. Tapi once da start tengok, i cant stop..huhu... Si Eun Soo ni mata duitan, selfish n penakut. Org yg kidnap die lak Choi Young, general Woodalchi yg smart. Once sampai ke zaman dulu, die kene selamatkan Queen from Yuan, and end up stuck there for a long time.
The best twist in this drama is she is actually the legendary Hwata from 100 years ago, a doctor from heaven they said.
Die sebenarnya yg gunakan Heaven's gate to get back to her beloved one. Its so touching..huhu...
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