Thursday, June 21, 2012

SeLaMat TingGaL

Selamat Tinggal...

sedehnye nak tinggalkan UPM
oh god...
its hard for me to leave here
leave my beautiful room 217
balik semula ke rumah not sweet home
ya allah...
kuatkan ak...amin...

lepas ni masa depan ak masih lagi dalam kabus
apa patut ak buat lepas grad nih?
cam xpecaya
nak relax2, xmungkin kot.
xnak laaa...
nak keje...
nak sibukkan diri...
nak beli kereta...
nak pindah luar...huhuuuu...
nak bergembira
nak melancong
nak expose myself to outsider
kot la bole pat bopren HOTZZZ!

at time like this, tringin nak balik kampung jumpa nenek, lepak kt kampong,
just me... drive alone... tolong nenek masak... rindu la kat nenek...
nenek je yg ak rase faham ak, makes me feels home. then, nak jumpa opah jugak, nak jumpa maksu perak..hehe... pepon ak bole ngam ngn maksu perak even xramai yg suke die. mebi sebab ak pon jenis yg bukan d sukai orang kot..heheheee.... pedulik laaa..:P

Monday, June 18, 2012


My Coursemate
~gonna miss u all after this~

Ondaway nak p jogging kt bukit expo

~Makan Pizza~

Seminar day
Presentation final year project

Ni la hasil extract from microalgae

Me n Lovely Uda
Shopping barang dapur after 2 paper..hehe


tu subjek yg ak akan amek sok pagii untuk paper last semester nih...
i'm graduating from University
later on, i'l become a career woman...
wahh...its my dream to become a career woman
successful woman...
further study?
mm... maybe not...
i have many plans to do...
instead of continuing my study,
i want to travel around the world
taste every bits of knowledge in different ways than in labs
no more labs
enough with it..hihiii...
i'm scared actually...
the future is beyond me... hope i can successfully enter the world of job..

Friday, June 15, 2012


last night i dreamt i went to korea. i even remembered that i boarded on airplane before reached korea. OMG... kan best if i can go there! smpai kt sane, i met my friend, orgnya cantik but i not really know her. she's a doctor in korea. then, she took me around seoul. the place actually cam kuantan jewww..hehe.... ingat x kat kuantan ade satu tmpat shoping murah, MYDIN. ak xnampak la mydin signboard. but nmpak bangunan area sane, plus kat atas bangunan tu ade burung2 merpati ke ape tah terbang, n kat atas jalan tu ofkos laa penuh ngan taik beliau. ak cakap kt kwn ak tu, "Wah, tempat nih ak tau!" sbb cam kt kuantan... bajet! hehehe....

then, xlame pas tu ak terserempak ngan Manja, my jiran kt K2 n merangkap my coursmate. die pon dok korea. die cakap die da masuk group GIRLS GENERATION. member baru...OMG! hebat giler... yela, die mang pandai menari, so mg seswai laa... ak dok tanye byk soklan sal member2 len. byk gak yg die jawab. pas berbual, kami berpecah.

Kawn ak yg sorang lagi tuh kt hospital die. ak g la jengok. SV die cam orang indon based on his dialek ckp bahasa melayu..huhu... rmai gak org melayu kt korea nih...hahaaa....

Ak pon tgk la surrounding pat tu... kot2 laaa ade keje kosong, bole ak join. ak mang nak berhijrah ke sane pon...hihi...
then, kawan ak pon hantar ak ke airport. its time for me to go back. tp pelik. ticket ak tulis saturday/sunday. masa 1.00pm. mase tuh ari jumaat n 12.00pm. so, ak pon pegi la tanye kat kaunter. org kt kaunter tu mg xramah. but they r KOREANS! ak pon speaking la ENGLISH. but unfortunately they r rude! saket ati jee... ak pon g la semula ke tmpat kwn ak tggu nih.

Unfortunately, my freind xde kt situ. die kene balik hospital, rest time die da abeh n SV die da kol. tp d gantikan ngn seseorang n he's asleep right now. guess who???


OMG3x! ak pon gerak la die. i told him i need to stay for another 1 or 2 days. die ckp die doktor kt hospital kwn ak. die pon da lambat nk msok keje. ak ckp, "xpelaaa...awk g la keje. dont worry. just give me my friend's address, i'll find it myself". die hesitate at first sbb die nak teman ak, after talk2 with him, die pon g la ke hopsital tu. xgune kereta, die berlari dengan pantas n lajunya becoz die adalah vampire..hehe... heppi giler ak pat jumpe edward! wahahaaaaa.....

Then, ak pon g la bwk luggage ak ke rumah kwn ak tuh. she's not there ofcoz.. then, rupa2nya adik ak, Isa n Mak ak pon ade kt korea. dorang ikot rombongan sekolah. laaaa.......hahahaha......

Dorang pon da nak balik da. kt airport. tapi, as like me, the ticket is not for that day. so rombongan tu pon pegi la makan. ak pon, join la sekali. nak balik mesia pon skali la ngn dorang. then, i woke up from my loooong dream..huhuuu...

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